As an active contributor to the open source community my apps integrate with many open source technologies such as frameworks, APIs, plugins, and controls to save my clients tons of development time while delivering the latest and greatest in modern features. You can read more about this on my technology page.
Below are some simple open source programs I have created during University as part of research and to showcase my work.
Black-Scholes Calculator

Find the numerical solution to the famous Black-Scholes Equation using the implicit Crank Nicolson Finite Difference Method.
Finite Difference Calculator
Calculate numerical solutions to Parabolic, Hyperbolic and Elliptic Partial Differential Equations such as the Wave Equation, Maxwell’s Equations or Black-Scholes Equation using the Finite Difference Method.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of H2O
Solve Newton’s Equation of Motion using various numerical approximation techniques to collect data on the dynamics of Water on a molecular scale with this Molecular Dynamics simulation of rigid Water molecules.